Digital Marketing Services

Any marketing that uses electronic devices and can be used by marketing specialists to convey promotional messaging and measure its impact through your customer journey. In practice, digital marketing typically refers to marketing campaigns that appear on a computer, phone, tablet, or other device. It can take many forms, including online video, display ads, search engine marketing, paid social ads and social media posts. Digital marketing is often compared to “traditional marketing” such as magazine ads, billboards, and direct mail. Oddly, television is usually lumped in with traditional marketing.In 2020, the number of mobile phone internet users in India has already touched 448 million.


Social Media Marketing

The term social media marketing (SMM) refers to the use of social media and social networks to market a company’s products and services. Social media marketing provides companies with a way to engage with existing customers and reach new ones while allowing them to promote their desired culture, mission, or tone. Social media marketing has purpose-built data analytics tools that allow marketers to track the success of their efforts.


Website Developement

Website development is the process of creating and designing a digital platform for a company or individual to showcase their products, services, and brand. It involves the use of various programming languages, technologies, and design elements to build a functional and visually appealing website. Website development empowers businesses to engage with existing clients and attract new ones, while also allowing them to convey their unique.


Local Seo

Local SEO is a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy that helps your business be more visible in local search results on Google. Any business that has a physical location or serves a geographic area can benefit from local SEO. If you search Google for any important keywords related to your business and a map with 3 listings appears underneath it (also known as a map pack), then local SEO can help you grow your business.


Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of getting pages to rank higher in search engines such as Google. Because search is one of the main ways in which people discover content online, ranking higher in search engines can lead to an increase in traffic to a website.


Email Marketing

The use of email within your marketing efforts to promote a business's products and services, as well as incentivize customer loyalty. Email marketing is a form of marketing that can make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services.


Pay-per-Click Advertising

PPC or pay-per-click is a type of internet marketing which involves advertisers paying a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Simply, you only pay for advertising if your ad is actually clicked on. It's essentially a method of 'buying' visits to your site, in addition to driving website visits organically.

Digital Competitive Analysis

Evaluating your website and areas for improvement (with the mindset that you should view your website as a virtual sales rep) Determining search engine real estate and social visibility (for targeting users in their initial research and awareness stages of the buying process) Identifying digital assets used in the buying funnel (including downloads, blogs, videos, white papers, and more) Evaluating how you present your product, service, and value proposition, including what sales funnel you and your competitors are encouraging potential customers down (to identify ways to nurture more opportunities and leads into sales) Pinpointing online advertising strategies across numerous channels Assessing customer and employee satisfaction and feedback, including online reputation gauging.

Reputation Management

Your business works hard to keep your customers happy. You connect with customers one-on-one and tirelessly develop new products and features to meet customers’ needs. But even with the best customer service, a business is bound to see its reputation take a hit every now and then. A customer posts an angry review for the whole internet to see. Or a less-than-flattering media story spreads far beyond what you expected.

That’s where online reputation management comes in. By actively managing your reputation, you can minimize negative customer feedback and keep your online presence as positive as possible.

Media Buying & Planning

Just two decades ago, media planning and buying in advertising consisted of print, radio, OOH and TV. Social media didn’t exist. Let that sink in. Social media didn’t exist. There was no digital marketing.

While media buying has always been integrated across available channels, today the process is integrated across practices into activities that used to be considered separate. Technology has intertwined social media, blogging, PR, communications and branding such that media planning and buying must take all of them into consideration. It has also enabled targeted messaging to custom audiences at a deeper level than in the past. Twenty years ago, more or less homogenous messages were broadcast to a large audience. Think of it like casting a huge net into the sea. You’d catch many fish you were looking for and some you weren’t. Today, the digital revolution has enabled targeted media buying that acts like a sensor-tipped spear, honed in on and targeting the exact fish you want to catch. It’s a lot to take in, whether you’re new to media buying and planning or not.

Advertising Services

Digital advertising is promotional material delivered to a target audience through digital platforms, including social media, email, search engines, mobile apps, affiliate programs, and websites. One of the main benefits of digital advertising is an advertiser can track in real time the success of the campaign. The goal of digital advertising is to inorganically advertise where consumers are and to customize ads to the target audience’s preferences. The first digital ad ran in 1994 as a banner ad. Since then, the advertising industry has significantly changed due to the introduction of GoogleAdWords, GoogleAdSense, and Facebook in the early 2000s. This industry will constantly evolve as the digital transformation, which is the use of technologies to create or modify business processes, continues.